Kumar Sarthak

(217) 904-2141
265 LLP
Loomis Laboratory of Physics
1110 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801-3080
I am a PhD student at the Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Physics from the Indian Institute of Science. As a researcher in the Aksimentiev Lab, I specialize in the use of molecular dynamics simulations and numerical calculations to advance the fields of single molecule protein sequencing and fingerprinting using biological and solid-state nanopores. Additionally, I am involved in simulating intrinsically disordered proteins in phase separated biomolecular condensates using all-atom simulations.
Electrical recognition of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids using an aerolysin nanopore." Nature Biotechnology 38:176-181 (2020).
Supplementary Information (15.98 MB) "
Rapid and Accurate Determination of Nanopore Ionic Current Using a Steric Exclusion Model." ACS sensors 4:634-644 (2019).
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Resolving Isomeric Posttranslational Modifications Using a Biological Nanopore as a Sensor of Molecular Shape." Journal of the American Chemical Society 144:16060-16068 (2022).
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The Manipulation of the Internal Hydrophobicity of FraC Nanopores Augments Peptide Capture and Recognition." ACS Nano (2021).
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- The emerging landscape of single-molecule protein sequencing technologies." Nature Methods 18 (2021). "
High-Fidelity Capture, Threading, and Infinite-Depth Sequencing of Single DNA Molecules with a Double-Nanopore System." ACS Nano 14:15566-15576 (2020).
nn0c06191_si_001.pdf (547.55 KB) "
Benchmarking Molecular Dynamics Force Fields for All-Atom Simulations of Biological Condensates." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19:3721-3740 (2023).
Supporting Information (2.98 MB) "