End-to-end attraction of duplex DNA
We performed simulations of a pair of DNA fragments that were axially aligned and initially seperated. As shown in the animation, the pair of DNA fragments collapsed rapidly into an end-to-end assembly. We repeated this simulation 19 times and found rapid collapse in all cases. Here, the 5'-ends of the DNA fragments terminated in a hydroxyl group. The azimuthal angle of the end-to-end assembly was usually around either 0 or 180 degrees (compare to 34 degrees in canonical DNA). These two configurations maximized the contact area between the bases of the two DNA fragments.
The terminal chemistry of the DNA fragments significantly affected the configuration of the end-to-end assembly. Here we show one of twenty trajectories of two DNA framgents with 5'-phosphorylated ends collapsing into an end-to-end assembly, which favors a continuous 5'-to-3' direction across the junction. Hence, the end-to-end assembly closely resembles a single, canonical DNA molecule.
The axial aligment restraints present in the above simulations may have artificially contributed to the stability of the end-to-end assembly. When the axial alignment restraints were removed, an end-to-end assembly remained stably bound for over 600 nanoseconds of simulation. In the simulation depicted in this animation, the 5'-ends of the DNA terminated in hydroxyl groups.
Steered molecular dynamics was used to probe the energetics of end-to-end attraction. A spring was tethered to the center of mass (CoM) of the terminal nucleotides of each DNA fragment. The rest length of the spring was increased, inducing rupture via shearing of the terminal base pairs. In other simulations we used several different pulling schemes that all induced rupture through the same pathway: shearing of the terminal nucleotides.
These simulations allowed us to estimate an upper bound of the binding free energy for the end-to-end assembly of roughly 8 kcal/mol. A series of umbrella sampling simulations confirmed that the standard binding free energy is in the range of 6.3 ± 1 kcal/mol.
Our enhanced-sampling simulations indicated that end-to-end association of DNA fragments is associated with a very large free energy well. To ensure that our predictions were indeed correct, we performed a brute-force simulation of 458 DNA fragments in a cubic volume 23.8 Å on each side. The DNA fragments, which were not in contact initially, aggregated into chains containing up to 11 DNA fragments in length during the 260 ns simulation. Initially, the unit cell containing all the DNA fragments is depicted. Subsequently, the assembly of the longest 10 aggregates is animated. Since aggregates can span across the periodic boundary of the system, neighboring periodic images of the unit cell are shown.
The simulation confirmed that the free energy associated with end-to-end association of DNA fragments is very large.