Manish Shankla

(217) 721-1774
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Loomis Laboratory of Physics
1110 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801-3080
Manish Shankla received his B.S. degree in Physics from the University of Illinois in 2012. He is currently a PhD student in the Biophysics department. His interests include nanopore-based DNA sequencing using solid-state nanopores such as graphene and DNA-protein interactions.
Step-defect guided delivery of DNA to a graphene nanopore." Nature Nanotechnology (2019).
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- Characterization of the Lipid Structure and Fluidity of Lipid Membranes on Epitaxial Graphene and Their Correlation to Graphene Features." Langmuir 35:4726-4735 (2019). "
PoreDesigner for tuning solute selectivity in a robust and highly permeable outer membrane pore." Nature Communications 9:3661 (2018).
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- Modulation of Molecular Flux Using a Graphene Nanopore Capacitor." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121:3724-3733 (2017). "
Slowing DNA Transport Using Graphene–DNA Interactions." Advanced Functional Materials 25:936-946 (2015).
adfm201403719-sup-0001-s1.pdf (1.01 MB) "
- Conformational transitions and stop-and-go nanopore transport of single-stranded DNA on charged graphene." Nature Communications 5:5171 (2014). "